
The weight loss programme

for people who detest diets

Have you tried everything to lose weight but still not succeeded?

Is that favourite dress or much-loved pair of jeans still hanging in your wardrobe gathering dust?

Well, I promise if you are committed to losing weight, I will make sure you do. My name is Yve Audaer and I run 6 for Success. If you genuinely want to lose weight and are prepared to commit for six weeks, I will help you achieve your goal. On average my clients lose 19lb over the course of the programme.

Recently 6 for Success was featured in the Daily Mirror

Don’t worry, you won’t have to eat any Gwyneth Paltro­w type gloop.

6 for Success isn’t about strange coloured smoothies or starving yourself. It’s about eating good, healthy (and tasty!) food. I will provide you with delicious and easy recipes that really will transform how you look at food. So much so, that even after the six weeks, many clients continue using them.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to eat any Gwyneth Paltro­w type gloop.

6 for Success isn’t about strange coloured smoothies or starving yourself. It’s about eating good, healthy (and tasty!) food. I will provide you with delicious and easy recipes that really will transform how you look at food. So much so, that even after the six weeks, many clients continue using them.

What’s different about my programme?

I will be in contact with you daily to make sure you stay on track. You have a personal trainer to get fit, so shouldn’t you have one to help you lose weight? It’s not like one of those ‘diets’ where you overeat for the week and then starve yourself the day before the weigh-in.

I will be your friend, fairy foodmother, nag, mentor, accountability coach, stalker, big sister, teacher, tutor, mad auntie all rolled into one.

How I make sure you don’t crack.

It’s 9.00 in the evening and someone in your house has just walked in with a pizza. One slice can’t hurt surely, you think. But the trouble is that one slice turns into two. That’s why I’ve got an SOS hotline so you can always contact me in your hour of need. If you feel like you’re going to crack, I’ll always be there for you.

6 for Success. The weight loss programme where there are no cheat days, no treat days, just working together as a team to make sure success happens.

Hot from the National Press!

My super successful client, Emma White, made it into the Daily Mirror on 31st August 2022

I started with working with Emma on 1st May 2021 and by December 2021 she’d lost 6 stone!

Most importantly, she’s kept the weight off too!

So wonderful for 6 for Success to get acknowledgment in the National Press!

Do you feel the diets that work for other people don’t work for you?

6 for Success is not a generic weight-loss programme, I treat everyone differently. Some people respond to loving hand-holding, others prefer the kick up the bottom approach. I will adapt my support to what suits you, but humour and kindness will always prevail.

Drop me a line...

You can contact me by using the form below.

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Contact me...

T: 07745 169522

E: Yve@6forsuccess.com 

I would love you to connect
with me on social too!

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