
I’ve supported people to lose weight for many years now. And apart from Christmas, the next biggest challenge is the ‘all inclusive’ holiday. For those of us who struggle with our weight it can be a scary, yet exciting, prospect. When we are in the diet cycle – i.e on it or off it- then it can be carte blanche to fill our boots. Or our flip flops!

Why do we do it?

If we feel deprived by being on a diet, which so many of us do, then the thought of being able to eat ‘banned’ or ‘bad’ food is very attractive. The irony is that pre-holiday we’ve denied ourselves so much and possibly lost a fair bit of weight. Why would we want to sabotage that weight loss? I found out from a client the other day that people average 1lb a day gain on a cruise. Yikes! 

Guess what? Just because we are on an ‘all inclusive’ holiday and therefore everything is ‘free’, we DON’T have to eat or drink it all!

By ditching the diet and changing our mindset around food then we can approach the holiday in a very different way. If it’s become a habit to eat healthy, nutritious and delicious food then chips with everything loses its appeal.

My 6 week programme is not a diet or a quick fix – it’s about learning to eat in a different way and keeping the weight off for good.

What to include on the all inclusive holiday

My first tip is not to forget to pack your resolve in your suitcase, together with your sun tan lotion and sarongs. We can still have a wonderful time and not over eat and over drink. I know its very popular to start a holiday as soon as you’ve checked in at the airport. And it very often includes drinking in one of the many bars. Beer, wine, fizz all being consumed as early as 6am. Why?! I’m no angel, as everyone knows, but seriously?!

You are far more likely to start your holiday with the dreaded flight bloat if you fly dehydrated, which is what alcohol does to us. Save your first drink until you’ve arrived at your resort. You will enjoy it more, trust me!

And please don’t forget the all important water – before, during and after your flight – and while you are away. You reduce the risk of sun stroke quite considerably if you are hydrated.

Don’t blow it!

When you are inflating your lilo, make sure that’s the only thing you want to pump up! By making sure we have regular breaks from our lounger or deck chair and move more, whether that’s a dip in the pool or sea, early morning walking, taking advantage of any exercise classes on offer can really help us keep our focus. Why ‘waste’ that activity by having a pizza chaser?

‘All inclusive’ doesn’t mean we forget all the ‘rules’ about looking after ourselves and our long term health. Any summer holiday, whether it’s a ‘staycation’, ‘homecation’, cruise, room only, camping…we’ve got this! We can have fun and not undo all the good work we’ve done so far. 

Enjoy your holiday! Keep well.

If you want to know more about how my programme works then send me an email and get booked in for a free call, yve@6forsuccess.com
